Monday, July 20, 2009

In the Trenches

Volume 1

Issue 2

Dread Trenches:
WW1 unlike WW2 was fought in trenches, more like a muddy hole. People would drown in them or be buried when dirt would fly up from a shell nearby. The high command was unaware of their soldiers suffering since they were in a nice home with plenty of food. The war was virtually a stalemate with battles going good and bad for both sides. One of those battles, Verdun cost more than 500,000 lives, but that wasn't the worst. Some cost 1,000,000 lives. Even when the Americans joined the Allies it was still hard going because the U.S. was not accustomed to trench warfare. Small bunkers were made under the ground but they would collapse if a shell landed on them. There were a lot of rats, but that was the least of the soldiers problem. Diseases spread fast and people got Gangrene. Trenchfoot was common as well. On the Eastern front the warfare was more of movement instead of trenches. The horrors of trench warfare ended in 1919 but even worse kinds of warfare would start in 1939.