Thursday, October 1, 2009

In The Trenches

Issue 3: Volume 1:

Sea Battle At Jutland

The battle of Jutland taking place in the sea was fought between the Royal British Navy and the German Navy. The Germans created a plan to destroy the fleet by sending 100 small ships to lure the navy out and then the larger fleet would destroy them. BUT, the Germans didn't know that the British were reading and decoding their messages since 1914, so the British sent out their WHOLE fleet and engaged the Germans. Strangly the Battlecruisers that were suppossed to be invincible were proven not. Quickly into the battle 3 were destroyed including the Queen Mary. The British lost more than the German but both side encountered Terrible losses, and the Germans Fleet never went out to sea again, they relied on their U-boats to stop the shipping.

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