Friday, June 26, 2009

In the Trenches My online WW1 magizine

Issue 1

Volume 1

The first issue of In the Trenches:
Today we will be covering the air war

The airplane was a new invention and was not seen by many high ranking officers as having an important role in wars, but most countries used them for finding enemy positions, then pilot started bring weapons like rifles with them, and soon machine guns were fitted  to the fuselage! Some of the most famous fighter planes of WW1 were the Sopwith Camel, The Fokker Triplane, and the Spad. In WW1 the planes were not that maneuverable and could not go very high or the pilot would suffocate. Since the planes could not go very high the German airships or Zeppelins, which could go higher, were unopposed when they bombed London at the beginning of the war. A pilot became an ace in WW1 when they got 10 kills, one of the most famous aces was the "Red Baron" who had more that 80 kills, some say he was killed by ground crew and some say he was shot down. WW1 showed that planes were another way to fight a war, and the next time the world went to war it would be one of the most important things to fight with.

Video Games

The first of a series of blog posts on this blog and I will be talking about some WW2 games.

The first: coming out soon:
Heroes over Europe:
The sequel to the game Heroes of the Pacific (great game), Heroes over Europe from what I've seen takes place from Dunkirk to Berlin. You will be able to fly many of the greatest planes out there. Hopefully this will be a great game and also hope some of you will get it and tell me how it is!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Arnhem: Holding the Line: Story Idea!

Here is a story idea I thought would be cool for you people to try: Arnhem, people who study WW2 would know that Arnhem is in Holland and was one of the cities that the paratroopers the 1st airborne jumped into during Operation:Market Garden, they had to hold the city until the tanks came and liberated them, but that never happened. They were forced to retreat to where the tanks were at night, the tanks were only a mile away, but it was to hard to get there. So, the story idea, a group of 1st airborne boys must hold Arnhem against countless German attacks, and fight for the bridge across the river. Use the internet to find some information on Market Garden and I hope to see some stories.

Band of Brothers: Pacific?

I don't know if I believe it but, searching online I found numerous reports of a second season of the show Band of Brothers, being shot in the Pacific. if anyone else has heard about please comment.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lego WW2

I know this could of gone into my Just a bricks things but I decided to do it here , I did not take these, I'm just showing them off.

Soon to come: a card game I (yes I) made! And more pictures. Hope this post can give you ideas for some cool Lego ww2!

Army Men: Drop Into Normady Instructions:

Army Men:

Drop into Normandy

Story Background: The morning of June 6, 1944, hundreds of C-47 Transports and Horsa Gliders dropped men behind enemy lines at Normandy, France. Their mission was to secure bridges and towns so that Allied units coming off of Utah Beach and other beaches would be able to rest.

Campaigns: You can play a cooperative campaign or a campaign where you are against each other. You can play 2 different campaigns, American (101st Airborne), or British (6th Airborne), you can also make up your own campaigns and battles.

Equipment: At least 2 players, Army Men, tanks, city buildings (models or boxes and books), barricades, dice, rulers, and things to use as gliders (paper planes or models).

Set-Up: Set up your units as the campaign you choose (below) says to.

Player Stats: You should have a card under each unit that says their stats so you can upgrade them individually.


Attack: 1

Defense: 2

Movement: 6in.

Range: 8in.

Bonus: Agility


Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Movement: 6in.

Range: 6in.

Bonus: Rally


Attack: 4

Defense: 3

Movement: 10 in.

Range: 4in.

Bonus: Fear

Machine Gunner:

Attack: 3

Defense: 2

Movement: 10in.

Range: 1ft.

Bonus: Repeat


Attack: 5

Defense: 2

Movement: 10in.

Range: 5in.

Bonus: Explosive


Attack: 4

Defense: 3

Movement: 8in.

Range: 10in.

Bonus: Explosive


Attack: 7

Defense: 4

Movement: 8in.

Range: 1ft

Bonus: Explosive

Order of Play:

1. Movement

2. Combat

3. Morale

4. 2nd Movement

All players do this at the same time.

Movement: When you move a unit you move them the distance that is said on their stats.

Combat: When two units fight they roll 1 d6 each, then they the attacker adds their attack to it, and the defender adds their defense to it. Whatever unit has a lower number dies. If 2 pla

Morale: After the Combat Stage, both sides who lost units roll as many dice as they lost, if they get 12 or higher eliminate 2 other units of your choice.

2nd Movement: After all stages have completed you may move your units again, but only half of their movement.

Bonuses: Each unit has a bonus that cause them to be powerful in different ways:

Agility: 1 of this unit per turn may move 1ft instead of its real movement.

Rally: once per turn you may cause all morale failures on your side to not happen.

Fear: Any unit attack this unit loses 2 attack.

Repeat: If this unit hits a unit they may fire until they don’t hit.

Explosive: any unit 3in. away from a unit hit also dies.

Upgrades: After the battle stage right down how many kills a unit has on his stat card, then you can purchase things like long range and grenade launcher the full selection of things you can get will be listed on a card that comes with these instructions.

Winning: You win when you accomplish your campaigns objective (EX. Destroy bridge).

Brothers Book Chapter 1

The first chapter of my upcoming book Brothers, I have recently changed it to be better, but that's on another computer, when I get it I will post it:

Chapter 1

Rendezvous With Destiny

An Allied Base, By The France And German Border: Time 14:00

“I don’t like the idea of going into a major city that the Germans have,” Joe said. “But we have too!” Troy yelled in a commanding voice. “Otherwise the Germans will take the other cities right by it!” “Okay fine! We’ll go!” Agreed Joe not looking too happy about what he said.

A German City: Time 18:00

Troy was getting impatient, his three allies and friends were late, again. Finally three figures came out of the darkness. They were to running down the streets.

The city was not a pleasant one, windows cracked, doors smashed open, buildings collapsed. Luckily, the four Americans found an intact building. Behind the building they heard a tank and some soldiers walking by it, German soldiers, “all right men let’s stop for a rest” the captain of the group of soldiers said. “Okay on three we attack” Troy said “one, two, THREE!” on three Troy yelled out and blasted the German soldiers with his machine gun. Jason the sniper of the group climbed to the top of the building, took out his sniper rifle and started firing, almost never missing when he shot.

Troy and his group continued firing, but then a German Helicopter came out of nowhere, it shot it guns and hit Jason! “NOOOOOOOOOOO!Troy screamed and took a dead Germans bazooka, and fired at the helicopter, blowing it up in one shot. He ran to Jason and heard his last words, “Bye… bro-ther” and then Jason was still and would never move again.

German Outpost: Time 19:00

“Commander!” a German soldier said running from the entrance, “we were attacked by the Troy and his friends, but luckily our helicopter killed one of them!” The commander did not look too happy. “That is not enough!” he said, and that was the last words the soldier would ever hear, because the commander took out his gun and killed the soldier.

A half a second later there was a loud Crack! and Troy, Joe, and John slid down on ropes, firing with guns in both hands, “Die you!” yelled Troy firing what looked more than two machine guns. They killed everyone in the room but the German commander. Joe took aim, fired, missed, and the German commander shot Joe with his two pistols. Joe fell to the floor, dead.

Filled with rage, because losing two friends in one hour, Troy took out his guns and shot the German commander until there was no more life left in the German. Troy and John left and had a proper funeral for their two friends.