Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Brothers Book Chapter 1

The first chapter of my upcoming book Brothers, I have recently changed it to be better, but that's on another computer, when I get it I will post it:

Chapter 1

Rendezvous With Destiny

An Allied Base, By The France And German Border: Time 14:00

“I don’t like the idea of going into a major city that the Germans have,” Joe said. “But we have too!” Troy yelled in a commanding voice. “Otherwise the Germans will take the other cities right by it!” “Okay fine! We’ll go!” Agreed Joe not looking too happy about what he said.

A German City: Time 18:00

Troy was getting impatient, his three allies and friends were late, again. Finally three figures came out of the darkness. They were to running down the streets.

The city was not a pleasant one, windows cracked, doors smashed open, buildings collapsed. Luckily, the four Americans found an intact building. Behind the building they heard a tank and some soldiers walking by it, German soldiers, “all right men let’s stop for a rest” the captain of the group of soldiers said. “Okay on three we attack” Troy said “one, two, THREE!” on three Troy yelled out and blasted the German soldiers with his machine gun. Jason the sniper of the group climbed to the top of the building, took out his sniper rifle and started firing, almost never missing when he shot.

Troy and his group continued firing, but then a German Helicopter came out of nowhere, it shot it guns and hit Jason! “NOOOOOOOOOOO!Troy screamed and took a dead Germans bazooka, and fired at the helicopter, blowing it up in one shot. He ran to Jason and heard his last words, “Bye… bro-ther” and then Jason was still and would never move again.

German Outpost: Time 19:00

“Commander!” a German soldier said running from the entrance, “we were attacked by the Troy and his friends, but luckily our helicopter killed one of them!” The commander did not look too happy. “That is not enough!” he said, and that was the last words the soldier would ever hear, because the commander took out his gun and killed the soldier.

A half a second later there was a loud Crack! and Troy, Joe, and John slid down on ropes, firing with guns in both hands, “Die you!” yelled Troy firing what looked more than two machine guns. They killed everyone in the room but the German commander. Joe took aim, fired, missed, and the German commander shot Joe with his two pistols. Joe fell to the floor, dead.

Filled with rage, because losing two friends in one hour, Troy took out his guns and shot the German commander until there was no more life left in the German. Troy and John left and had a proper funeral for their two friends.

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