Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Army Men: Drop Into Normady Instructions:

Army Men:

Drop into Normandy

Story Background: The morning of June 6, 1944, hundreds of C-47 Transports and Horsa Gliders dropped men behind enemy lines at Normandy, France. Their mission was to secure bridges and towns so that Allied units coming off of Utah Beach and other beaches would be able to rest.

Campaigns: You can play a cooperative campaign or a campaign where you are against each other. You can play 2 different campaigns, American (101st Airborne), or British (6th Airborne), you can also make up your own campaigns and battles.

Equipment: At least 2 players, Army Men, tanks, city buildings (models or boxes and books), barricades, dice, rulers, and things to use as gliders (paper planes or models).

Set-Up: Set up your units as the campaign you choose (below) says to.

Player Stats: You should have a card under each unit that says their stats so you can upgrade them individually.


Attack: 1

Defense: 2

Movement: 6in.

Range: 8in.

Bonus: Agility


Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Movement: 6in.

Range: 6in.

Bonus: Rally


Attack: 4

Defense: 3

Movement: 10 in.

Range: 4in.

Bonus: Fear

Machine Gunner:

Attack: 3

Defense: 2

Movement: 10in.

Range: 1ft.

Bonus: Repeat


Attack: 5

Defense: 2

Movement: 10in.

Range: 5in.

Bonus: Explosive


Attack: 4

Defense: 3

Movement: 8in.

Range: 10in.

Bonus: Explosive


Attack: 7

Defense: 4

Movement: 8in.

Range: 1ft

Bonus: Explosive

Order of Play:

1. Movement

2. Combat

3. Morale

4. 2nd Movement

All players do this at the same time.

Movement: When you move a unit you move them the distance that is said on their stats.

Combat: When two units fight they roll 1 d6 each, then they the attacker adds their attack to it, and the defender adds their defense to it. Whatever unit has a lower number dies. If 2 pla

Morale: After the Combat Stage, both sides who lost units roll as many dice as they lost, if they get 12 or higher eliminate 2 other units of your choice.

2nd Movement: After all stages have completed you may move your units again, but only half of their movement.

Bonuses: Each unit has a bonus that cause them to be powerful in different ways:

Agility: 1 of this unit per turn may move 1ft instead of its real movement.

Rally: once per turn you may cause all morale failures on your side to not happen.

Fear: Any unit attack this unit loses 2 attack.

Repeat: If this unit hits a unit they may fire until they don’t hit.

Explosive: any unit 3in. away from a unit hit also dies.

Upgrades: After the battle stage right down how many kills a unit has on his stat card, then you can purchase things like long range and grenade launcher the full selection of things you can get will be listed on a card that comes with these instructions.

Winning: You win when you accomplish your campaigns objective (EX. Destroy bridge).

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